AMT participates in Alpe d’HuZes 2025: Together in the fight against cancer


On Thursday, June 5, 2025, 13 AMT colleagues will stand at the foot of the Alpe d’Huez to defy the mountain while walking or cycling. A sporting challenge with the motto: giving up is not an option! With this action the team tries to raise as much money as possible for the KWF cancer foundation.

Alpe d’HuZes is an annual event on the famous mountain Alpe d’Huez in the French Alps. Participants walk, bike or run up the mountain up to six times, with one common goal: raising money for cancer research and improving the quality of life of people with cancer. Each year about 5,000 participants take part in this event, which takes place on the first Thursday of June. AMT is participating in the upcoming edition for the first time with two teams totaling 13 walkers and cyclists. Erwin, Tim, Paul, Marc, Ilse, Danielle, Luuk, Pim, Merel, Laura, Stephanie, Jay and Stef are all participating with the same motto: a world without cancer.


To appear at the start line on June 5 optimally prepared, the team members follow joint training sessions in addition to their individual training programs. They will explore the challenging landscapes of South Limburg and the Ardennes and the cyclists will participate in the ‘Omloop van Zandvoort’ on March 30. In May, a reconnaissance ride on the Alpe d’Huez itself is planned: an ultimate test of strength before the real event takes place.

Fighting for colleagues

Within AMT, colleagues have been directly affected by cancer, which makes this action extra meaningful. Paul, who was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2017, is now cancer-free but sees participation as a personal mission. His motto is clear: “To eliminate this rotten disease from the world.” Tim is also committed, extra motivated by the situation of his wife who recently underwent preventive surgery. In addition, Luuk, Erwin and Danielle have experienced the impact of cancer up close in their immediate families. In addition to the team taking part in Alpe d’HuZes, other colleagues, who themselves or those close to them are dealing with cancer, are also brought to mind during this action.


The ultimate goal of this action is to raise as much money as possible for research against cancer and towards improving life with cancer. As a team we therefore have the challenge to raise at least €37,000. Together we can make a difference! Support our team by making a donation at: